ISOCELL GM5 48MP resolution mobile image sensor.



使用 ISOCELL GM5 在各种环境中拍摄出生动的图片。 0.7 微米的 4800 万像素 (48MP) 图像传感器拥有很广的像素范围技术,您可以拍摄色彩缤纷的照片。ISOCELL GM5 专为超宽和长焦而设计,让您拥有进行卓越视觉创作所需的所有工具。



无论近距离还是远距离均能提供生动细节。ISOCELL GM5 每张图像都包含 4800 万个 0.7 微米大小的像素,可提供清晰且细节完整的照片。传感器配有广角相机和有线相机,为您提供更多选项,以生成您想要的照片。借助创新的 ISOCELL 2.0 技术,构筑像素墙以提高光敏感,您可以拍摄出生动、多彩的照片。
An illustrative image of enhanced pixel resolutions with ISOCELL 2.0 technology. An illustrative image of enhanced pixel resolutions with ISOCELL 2.0 technology.

交错式高动态范围 (HDR)


带快速处理功能的动态智能手机摄影。通过创新的交错式 HDR 技术,ISOCELL GM5 结合了长、中、短曝光镜头,可最大限度地扩大图像的动态范围。强大的 HDR 技术在 四像素合成技术 模式下工作,使照片在较暗的环境里更加明亮,噪点更少。通过 ISOCELL GM5,您能够以最高精度捕捉瞬间,告别动态模糊。
An illustrative image of Staggered HDR technology that combines long, medium and short exposure shots to maximize the dynamic range of an image. An illustrative image of Staggered HDR technology that combines long, medium and short exposure shots to maximize the dynamic range of an image.
An illustrative image of Staggered HDR technology that combines long, medium and short exposure shots to maximize the dynamic range of an image. An illustrative image of Staggered HDR technology that combines long, medium and short exposure shots to maximize the dynamic range of an image.



高光和低光条件下的生动照片。凭借四像素合成技术,ISOCELL GM5 允许在低光区域拍摄令人惊叹的图片和准确的场景再现。该技术将四个像素组合为一个像素,使 ISOCELL GM5 作为一个大像素传感器,在不增加噪点的情况下吸收更多光线。在光线充足的区域,ISOCELL GM5 利用像素重排算法,允许它使用全部 4800 万像素来生成复杂详细的照片。
An illustrative image of Tetrapixel technology. It improves light sensitivity in low-light conditions by combining four neighboring pixels into one, and leverages the 48MP to produce intricately detailed photographs in bright conditions. An illustrative image of Tetrapixel technology. It improves light sensitivity in low-light conditions by combining four neighboring pixels into one, and leverages the 48MP to produce intricately detailed photographs in bright conditions.


满足每种情况的感光度 (ISO)

根据您的拍摄环境,智能定制设置。借助智能 ISO 功能,ISOCELL GM5 图像传感器会自动为您的拍摄选择最佳 ISO,以确保您在所有照明环境中捕获风景如画的图像。在明亮环境中,传感器切换至低 ISO 模式,拍摄清晰的照片,防止过度饱和。在低光环境中,传感器切换至高 ISO 模式,以便照片更加明亮,噪点更少。
  • An illustrative image of Smart-ISO technology. An illustrative image of Smart-ISO technology.
    An illustrative image of Smart-ISO technology. An illustrative image of Smart-ISO technology.

Super-PD 超快对焦


每次捕捉无模糊的动作镜头。借助 ISOCELL GM5 的超级对焦(Super-PD),您的智能手机摄像头可以在瞬间拍摄静止或快速移动物体的清晰照片。此功能基于相位检测自动对焦技术 (PDAF),该技术比较相位差异,并像人眼一样进行协调。借助 Super-PD 自动对焦,您可以快速高质地捕捉珍贵的时刻。
An illustrative image of Super-PD autofocus. The boy on the BMX is clearly focused. An illustrative image of Super-PD autofocus. The boy on the BMX is clearly focused.